16/10/2010 :
Hei hei hei...hehehe. Sory ingat nk updated smalam tp mls plak nk menaip sbb penat sgt. hehe. Yela smalamkan aku gi shooting. Wahhhhhhhhhhh shooting ke? hahaha. Mmgla ! hehe. Ala aku director je. Takde pn msuk muke aku dlm tu. haha. Smalam aku shooting music video for final project assignment this sem. Dasyatkan? hahaha. Ktorang shoot kt ttwgse smalam. Senang. Takla jauh sgt. Sbenanye mls nk gi jauh sbb bdn still pnat. haha. So far alhamdulillah shooting tu berjln dgn lancar and hbs around 2pm camtu. Btw thnks to mereka2 yg terlibat menjayakan music video " Kantoi " arahan aku. Wahhhh hahaha! Ala ktorang wt same2 so hasil kerja bersama :) Dorang mmg sporting habis. Thnks guys ! :) After hbs shoot terus gerak kfc kt wgse maju. Saje blanje dorg sbb da bsusah pyh amik mood utk wtk masing2. hahaha sian korang :) tp korang mmg bestla :D

17/10/2010 :
Hehe hati aku suke. Best je ble kehendak hati dpt ditunaikan. hehe. Nak tahu ape die?? ha... hahaha. Ptg td aku gi wangsa walk dgn mama. Hajat di hati nk tgk latest hp. Then ble da tgk sndri mmg sgt comel ! So decide nk bli. So da belila ! hehe. Act nk beli BB. Da siap try. So aku buat perbandingan antara BB and hp comel ni. Ble dipikirkan if aku beli BB nk BBM dgn sape ye? hahahaha. Lainla if BEBEH aku pn pkai BB. So aku decide plih hp yg comel ni. hehe. BB akakku beli later :)

Ha cube korang carik hp ape yg comel ni :)) hehe. Btw comelkancomelkan cover die ? ;)
Hei hei hei...hehehe. Sory ingat nk updated smalam tp mls plak nk menaip sbb penat sgt. hehe. Yela smalamkan aku gi shooting. Wahhhhhhhhhhh shooting ke? hahaha. Mmgla ! hehe. Ala aku director je. Takde pn msuk muke aku dlm tu. haha. Smalam aku shooting music video for final project assignment this sem. Dasyatkan? hahaha. Ktorang shoot kt ttwgse smalam. Senang. Takla jauh sgt. Sbenanye mls nk gi jauh sbb bdn still pnat. haha. So far alhamdulillah shooting tu berjln dgn lancar and hbs around 2pm camtu. Btw thnks to mereka2 yg terlibat menjayakan music video " Kantoi " arahan aku. Wahhhh hahaha! Ala ktorang wt same2 so hasil kerja bersama :) Dorang mmg sporting habis. Thnks guys ! :) After hbs shoot terus gerak kfc kt wgse maju. Saje blanje dorg sbb da bsusah pyh amik mood utk wtk masing2. hahaha sian korang :) tp korang mmg bestla :D
17/10/2010 :
Hehe hati aku suke. Best je ble kehendak hati dpt ditunaikan. hehe. Nak tahu ape die?? ha... hahaha. Ptg td aku gi wangsa walk dgn mama. Hajat di hati nk tgk latest hp. Then ble da tgk sndri mmg sgt comel ! So decide nk bli. So da belila ! hehe. Act nk beli BB. Da siap try. So aku buat perbandingan antara BB and hp comel ni. Ble dipikirkan if aku beli BB nk BBM dgn sape ye? hahahaha. Lainla if BEBEH aku pn pkai BB. So aku decide plih hp yg comel ni. hehe. BB akakku beli later :)
Ha cube korang carik hp ape yg comel ni :)) hehe. Btw comelkancomelkan cover die ? ;)
fon apeni ella ? comel! hee, macam bb tapi bukan kann.
ReplyDeleteNOKIA c3 kan kan kan :D
ReplyDeleteyup nokia c3 :)